8 digital transformation subsidies Quebec

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The digital revolution has grown dramatically in recent years. Most small and medium-sized businesses need to be part of this trend in order to remain competitive and to provide a wider range of services to their customers. Regardless of the strategy you wish to adopt, many possibilities are available to you: modernization of your Web […]

Migrating from PrestaShop 1.6 to PrestaShop 1.7

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We know PrestaShop 1.7 Let our Professional manage your precious marketing asset We are the only Gold Certified Prestashop Agency in Canada. End of maintenance period for PrestaShop 1.6 : June 2019 If you want to launch your new webstore on Pretsashop 1.7 or migrate from an older version, contact us now for your free […]

2018 Credential Spill Report – Shape Security

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Credential stuffing attacks make up, on average, 80-90% of an online retailer’s login traffic Online retailers face the highest proportion of credential stuffing as attackers exploit retailers’ desire for a frictionless customer experience. The US consumer banking industry faces nearly $50 Million per day in potential losses due to credential stuffing attacks Consumer banks face […]

Hackers account for 90% of login attempts at online retailers

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Online retailers are hit the most by these attacks, according to a report by cyber security firm Shape Security. Hackers use programs to apply stolen data in a flood of login attempts, called “credential stuffing.” These days, more than 90% of e-commerce sites’ global login traffic comes from these attacks. The airline and consumer banking […]

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Considérant avoir pris du retard, Louis Garneau Sports reçoit une aide du gouvernement du Québec de 1,8 M$ sur un investissement total de 2,6 M$ pour revoir l’ensemble de ses stratégies numériques. « D’être à jour au niveau du web, c’est important. Je ne vous cache pas qu’on a un retard. Il fallait investir parce […]

The Total Economic Impact Of The Magento Enterprise eCommerce Platform

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Magento Enterprise Enables A Scalable eCommerce Platform That Drives Businesses Growth Forrester interviewed five merchants for this study. The financial analysis is based on a composite merchant that represents the merchants that we interviewed. The composite merchant has $40 million in online sales and operates both brick-and-mortar stores as well as its eCommerce website. Its […]


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In this guide, we’ll share how you as a retailer can best market across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. For each of your key objectives, we’ll show you how to align with the customer journey. Each retailer is unique and has its own specific goals and challenges. Based on your objectives, we will help you […]

Software CW: Success Story with 3dcart

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As a website agency, Marketing Media wants to support its clients with the strongest and most efficient tools in order to promote their e-commerce or website. One of our clients, SoftwareCW is a growing online retailer of software for personal, business, governments, and educational institutions, that started its online journey with us, along with partners […]

4 Key Reasons Local Businesses Fail When Using Google AdWords

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You probably heard business owners talk trash about Google AdWords, as an expensive, complicated and ineffective tool. Let them talk : this means there will be less competition for you! AdWords does have a bad reputation in many sectors. While clicks are expensive for most people and the interface complex, generally, when advertisers get bad […]

Protect and clean up your Prestashop website with our malware XsamXadoo removal services.

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  ALERT – PRESENCE OF MALWARE ON THE PRESTASHOP PLATFORM On January 2, 2020, a malware called XsamXadoo Bot was discovered on the Prestashop platform. This malware could have been used to access and take control of Prestashop shops and e-commerce. Our team was immediately informed that this malware uses a known vulnerability in the […]

New Partner Announcement – Ebridge

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We are proud to announce our new partner Ebridge. We pride ourselves in our cross-platform and systems integration capability. eBridge Connections is the leading accounting / ERP integration platform for eCommerce, EDI, and CRM, that eliminates the need for manual data entry.      

Bigcommerce Case Study: Treadmill.com

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Whether you’re just starting out or growing sales into the millions, learn from one of our successful merchant Treadmill. Treadmill.com partner Marketing Media for a quick ramp-up with on-boarding and custom ecommerce design on BigCommerce Enterprise and Searchspring. Marketing Media is a recognized BigCommerce certified partner since 2010. Get ecommerce help from certified experts. Need […]

How to choose a web agency?

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This question often comes back to business managers, and unfortunately, the answer is not as easy as it seems. As when buying a new car, prices can vary from a model to another according to quality, options and performance. Some agencies offer prices as low as $1,000 for designing a website, while some corporate websites like […]

Best SEO advice for 2015

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Over the past few years, SEO has greatly evolved, particularly since Google’s Panda and Penguin’s updates. Here are a few pieces of advice that will help optimize your website and improve positioning on search engines, to reach your clients more easily. Choose your keywords precisely  Keywords choice is key. Keywords must be relevant, and able to convert and position well on […]

Selecting the best website shopping cart

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Are you launching an online store? There are many shopping carts available out there, and it can be very difficult to compare them all. Hopefully, we gathered a little advice to help you make a better choice. Assess your current and future needs  Generally speaking, all CMS have the same basic features. However, for more advanced CMS options like […]

360 Web Strategy

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Nowadays, simply having a website is not enough. As many merchants do, you wonder how you could put an effective web strategy in place. You have to know your website, built a trust relationship, attract your visitors, convert them and engage with them. This is where the concept of a 360 Web Strategy comes into play.  Let’s take […]

Indice du commerce électronique au Québec en 2015 (étude du CEFRIO)

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Comme à chaque année, le CEFRIO a publié son Indice du commerce électronique au Québec. Cette vaste étude a pour but d’aider les entreprises du Québec à connaître les réponses à plusieurs questionnements, tel que : Qui vend en ligne ? Qu’est-ce que le commerce électronique apporte aux entreprises ? Comment vend-on en ligne ? […]

Ten common mistakes made by E-commerce business owners

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There are many advantages to starting an e-commerce business. The Internet provides an endless amount of marketing opportunities and e-commerce businesses require very little start-up money. Even though starting an e-commerce business has numerous advantages, it is very easy for businesses to make common mistakes when starting. To be successful, businesses must avoid these ten mistakes. Choosing a domain […]

Our 10-step design process for a successful logo

Client brief is received We read it, analyze it and ask questions. We understand the client’s products and services Research process We research the client’s industry and business Research  competition (but we do not copy) We verify the industry trends We learn about competitors’ trends Inspiration stage We study the target audience We contemplate Selection […]


The cost of cart abandonment

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Have you ever estimated the rate of cart abandonment for Internet retailers? Research from 17 recent studies on e-commerce cart abandonment show an average abandonment rate of 67.98%, with rates ranging from 60% to 91%. One client website we manage shows an abandonment rate of 48%. By taking steps to recover those orders, we recovered 61% of them, […]

10 simple SEO tricks

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As an entrepreneur selling on the web, having a nicely designed website is one thing, but being discoverable among the crowd is something else. Have you ever asked yourself how your potential customers will find your webstore? Can you really sell if nobody finds your e-commerce website? The answer, obviously, is no. That easily explains why […]

How to tell your E-commerce company is succeeding

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Can you tell if your e-commerce company is succeeding, or failing? There are a number of indicators that could help turn things around before it’s too late. Three main areas contain data that you should pay particular attention to. Read more to learn how to tell if your website is succeeding, and will continue to thrive in the […]

The best website designs by Marketing Media

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When you wish to sell your products through e-commerce, Marketing Media can give you a leg up from the first day your site goes live. There is more to selling online than meets the eye. The best website designs have been built by a team of experienced professionals. This is what you get with the Marketing Media team. […]

5 questions the best web design agencies can answer

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Never hire a agency before talking to them and asking some key questions. The best web design agency will have all the answers and will ask you questions in return. Your website is too important for your business to take for granted that the agency you hire is knowledgeable and experienced. Getting to know your web […]

Best deal graphics and printing website is online!

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Best Deal Graphics and Printing Website

Cinq questions à poser pour choisir la meilleure agence Web

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N’embauchez jamais une agence Web pour concevoir votre site Internet avant de lui parler et de lui poser quelques questions clés. La meilleure agence de design Web aura les réponses à toutes vos questions et devrait vous poser en retour quelques questions sur la conception de votre site Web. Votre site Internet est trop important pour votre entreprise pour prendre pour […]

Les 10 erreurs commises par les entrepreneurs en commerce électronique

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Il a plusieurs avantages à démarrer une entreprise de commerce électronique. Internet offre une quantité infinie de possibilités de commercialisation et les entreprises de commerce électronique nécessitent très peu d’argent pour démarrer. Même si le démarrage d’une entreprise en commerce électronique présente de nombreux avantages, il est très facile pour les entreprises de commettre des erreurs […]

Web design checklist: What clients should provide their web agency

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When conducting a Web design project, preparation is paramount. The client should have an idea of his or her budget, requirements and goals. Neglecting the preparation stage can result in confusion, disorganization, and a less-than-satisfactory outcome. The website design checklist below outlines some of the main factors to consider when preparing to work with a […]

Ce que les clients doivent fournir à leur Agence Web

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Lors de la réalisation d’un projet de conception de design Web , il est important que le client soit préparé. Le client doit avoir une idée de son budget, de ses exigences et des objectifs du site Web. Négliger la phase de préparation peut entrainer la confusion, la désorganisation, et un résultat moins que satisfaisant du […]

How to find a quality E-commerce web designer

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In recent years, advancement in technology and access to information on the internet have combined to simplify the website development process. Setting up a business website no longer requires a degree in computer science. Templates allow users to build a website quickly using established layouts and features. However, while these templates eliminate the need for […]

Comment trouver une agence Web de qualité pour un design de commerce en ligne (e-commerce)

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Récemment, les avancées technologiques et l’accès facile à l’information sur Internet ont simplifié le processus de développement de sites Web. Développer un site internet ne nécessite plus un baccalauréat en informatique. Des modèles permettent à Monsieur et Madame Tout le monde de construire un site internet rapidement en utilisant les gabarits disponibles en ligne. Par […]

Cinq raisons d’engager une agence Web professionnelle pour concevoir votre site Web

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Toute entreprise qui souhaite être compétitive en ligne et hors ligne se doit d’avoir un site Web professionnel. Internet est maintenant devenu la référence principale pour l’information, avec en tête la recherche d’entreprise. Les entreprises qui n’ont pas de site Web conçu par des professionnels risquent de perdre des clients potentiels sur Internet et dans leur commerce. Les […]

5 reasons you should hire a professional web design company

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Any business that wishes to be competitive in the online or offline market must have a professional website. Internet has become the leading resource for people to find information, with business research being a leading reason to perform a search on the web. Businesses that do not have a professionally created website risk losing potential […]

How to choose the best web agency

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When your company needs a website, choosing the right web agency ensures that your business is properly represented online. Most business owners do not understand how to choose a web designer and what to look for. It can also be hard to tell if a company offers the extra services you need. Hiring a web design […]

Comment choisir la bonne agence Web

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Lorsque votre entreprise a besoin d’un nouveau site Internet, choisir la bonne agence Web vous assurera une excellente représentation en ligne pour votre entreprise. La plupart des entrepreneurs ne savent pas comment choisir une agence Web et ignorent quels sont les critères importants lors de l’appel d’offre. Il peut être difficile de déterminer si une agence […]

ProteinCo’s new online shopping store is now live

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ProteinCo’s new online shopping store

Delorme LeBel Bureau Savoie Avocats website is now live

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Delorme LeBel Bureau Savoie Avocats website

Le site de Web Delorme LeBel Bureau Savoie Avocats est maintenant en ligne

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Le site de Web Delorme LeBel Bureau Savoie Avocats

Le site de commerce électronique Report Collection est maintenant en ligne

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Le site de commerce électronique Report Collection

Le site de commerce électronique ProteinCo est maintenant en ligne

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Le site de commerce électronique ProteinCo

Ten principles of UI design

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The User Interface (UI) is the element of technology, such as software or web applications, that facilitates the convenient and efficient use of a web design. UI design can be complicated; it is however a key part of web development. UI designers must keep these 10 basic principles in mind: Understanding the market This is the target […]

With Web Design, Clients Get What They Pay For (Part 2)

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Expectations vs. deliverables While browsing on the web, we found this interesting blog post from an e-commerce entrepreneur, which we thought was a really interesting case for explaining the ongoing situation with high expectations, but low budget. Marketing Media does not take a stance on this issue.  We only express our opinion based on our own experience, and we draw our […]

10 principes de base du design d’interface

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L’interface utilisateur est un élément important de design applicable au design Web et au développement d’applications. Le design d’interface utilisateur assure un accès simple et efficace aux éléments importants de votre site Web, mais peut s’avérer compliqué tout en étant un des aspects les plus importants du design Web. Un designer d’interface se doit de garder […]

Design graphique Web créatif et accrocheur

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Plusieurs personnes se disent capables de faire la conception d’un site Web, cependant vous devez vous poser la question suivante : seront-ils en mesure de vous offrir un beau design Web professionnel? Notre équipe de designers Web professionnels possède l’expérience requise pour assurer le succès de votre projet de conception de site Web. Depuis 2007, les designers […]

Offrez-vous un site Web pour la nouvelle année!

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Votre site Internet est la vitrine de votre entreprise Si vous voulez vous faire connaitre votre entreprise, mettre en valeur vos produits et services dans votre ville, dans votre région, dans la province de Québec ou même à l’international : votre site Web sera la vitrine qui répondra aux attentes de vos clients. Pour être vu et trouvé […]

Things to consider when redesigning a website

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A website redesign could revive a business’s web presence. The website introduces potential customers to your business and informs them of the services that are provided. Unfortunately, a poor web design can deter visitors from becoming customers. For this reason, improving the design of the website is crucial. Before engaging in a redesign, some factors must be taken […]

Éléments à considérer lors d’une refonte de site Web

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Une refonte de site Web revigore la présence en ligne d’une entreprise. Votre site Web vous met directement en contact avec des clients potentiels et les informe des services offerts par votre entreprise. Par contre, un design Web de piètre qualité peut faire tout-à-fait le contraire, c’est-à-dire faire fuir vos visiteurs. Pour cette raison, il […]

Great web design = Leads & sales

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Creating a multi-faceted website that attracts prospects and customers A great website design feel and look is just the beginning of your journey toward communicating with your visitors. An attractive website is practically useless without an effective user interface, a proper SEO strategy and customer response. What do you mean by “great web design = leads & sales?” […]

Bon design Web = Clients potentiels et ventes

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Un bon design Web et un excellent site Web ne sont que le début de votre parcours afin de communiquer avec vos visiteurs. Un beau design est pratiquement inutile sans une bonne interface utilisateur et une bonne stratégie de positionnement destinée à déclencher une réponse positive chez votre clientèle. Que signifie « Bon design Web = Client potentiels et ventes » ? […]

Advice for a customer-friendly E-commerce web page

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E-commerce is a $500 billion market, which, by 2016, is expected to grow to $1,500 billion. If you wish to sell merchandise or services on the web, a great e-commerce web design that gives you an edge over your competitors is vital. Each e-commerce business is unique and requires its own customized design. Any good e-commerce web […]

Conseils pour un site de commerce électronique convivial

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Le commerce électronique est un marché de 500 milliards de dollars et, selon les données, on estime qu’il va croître jusqu’à 1500 milliards en 2016. Si vous voulez vendre vos produits sur Internet, il votre site de commerce électronique doit absolument vous offrir un avantage par rapport à vos concurrents. Chaque compagnie qui évolue en ligne est […]

Statistiques sur l’utilisation d’Internet au Québec

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L’utilisation et la consultation de site Internet est en forte croissance. En effet, il appert que selon les données les plus récentes de Statistique Canada, 80 % des personnes de 16 ans et plus ont utilisé Internet à des fin personnelles en 2010. La fréquence d’utilisation est également surprenante et en hausse. Diverses activités se […]

Stem Footwear partners with Marketing Media for ecommerce excellence

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“Between Marketing Media’s expertise and the importance of designing a unique brand for the concept, I saw real value in hiring someone to help me optimize my store design,” Andrew remarks. “While a lot of design firms put more time into flashy surface design, Marketing Media had a great track record for focusing on optimizing […]

7 ways to optimise for strong product pages

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Canonical tags for duplicated content E-commerce websites are extremely complex. These systems have a lot of processes going on at the same time and unfortunately, they are not usually designed with unique product URLs in mind.For example: www.example.com/product-1.html = The primary shortest product URL you can visit to see the product www.example.com/category-1/product-1.html = Navigating to the […]

Les Pages Jaunes ont-elles encore une utilité?

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Combien de personnes utilisent encore les Pages Jaunes ces jours-ci? Un bien petit nombre, vous en conviendrez. Kristiina Lahde, artiste canadienne, a trouvé un moyen de recycler les bottins en œuvres d’art. Avant l’arrivée d’Internet, l’utilité des Pages Jaunes n’était assurément pas à démontrer. Par contre, aujourd’hui, on se questionne sur leur existence. En effet, quand on […]

Marketing Media releases Stemfootwear.com

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“On September 15th, we simultaneously launched our product and new website, www.stemfootwear.com,  and opened the flood gates to taking orders on our new 3dcart site. In the first 30 minutes only, we had over 45 orders; in 6 hours we reached 100 orders, and in 24 hours, we had over 180 orders. The past three weeks have been […]

Wireframe : Le secret d’un site Web convivial

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En design Web , le “wireframe” est le processus de création d’interface du site Web en omettant l’aspect visuel d’embellissement, tels que les graphiques et les fonds d’écran. Il est similaire à l’utilisation de lignes conceptuelles en design ou d’un organiseur graphique en écriture;  c’est un moyen inestimable de créer un site Web de haute qualité. […]

Consommation : le chant du cygne du marketing traditionnel

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Le comportement des consommateurs est plus que jamais influencé par les nouvelles technologies. Oubliez le marketing traditionnel. L’avenir est dans l’interactivité. Portrait du consommateur «intelligent». « Le rapport de force entre consommateurs et détaillants a complètement changé », indique Alain Dumouchel, associé des Services mondiaux chez IBM. Une étude du géant de l’informatique, rendue publique en […]

Des détaillants sauvés par le Web

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Internet surfe sur le tsunami qui ravage l’économie mondiale. Au Québec, depuis le début de l’année, les ventes en ligne ont le vent dans les voiles. En mars, les consommateurs québécois ont acheté sur Internet pour 266 millions de dollars de biens et services, soit 8 % de plus qu’à pareille époque l’an dernier. En […]

Offensive québécoise pour Google

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Suivez Vincent Brousseau-Pouliot sur Twitter Bien sûr, Nicolas Darveau-Garneau a comme mandat d’augmenter les ventes de publicité de Google au Québec – un chiffre que l’entreprise ne dévoile pas publiquement. Mais le nouveau directeur général de Google Québec plaide surtout pour une plus grande présence des entreprises québécoises sur le Web. « Le Web n’est […]

Wireframing: The key to a user-friendly website

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In web design, wireframing is the process of creating a basic sketch of the website’s user interface, without skins or graphics. It is conceptually similar to using an outline or graphic organizer in writing, and is an invaluable part of setting up a high-quality website. By stripping away the graphics, wireframing forces a designer to […]

Commerce électronique : les entreprises québécoises vont manquer le bateau

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Si le commerce électronique gagne en popularité auprès des Québécois, on ne peut pas en dire autant des détaillants de la province. En décembre 2010, un Québécois sur quatre achetait ses cadeaux de Noël en ligne et dépensait en moyenne 322 $, selon l’Indice du commerce électronique réalisé par le Cefrio avec l’aide de l’agence […]

Your mother was right: first impressions do matter

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Websites must convey a feeling of trust, even at first glance! Think of your website as an important job interview. From the moment a candidate steps into the interview room, his or her appearance, confidence and apparent trustworthiness are being assessed. The well-dressed, confident, genuine person earns the right to be considered above other applicants. The same goes for your […]

BDC earmarks $200 million to help entrepreneurs invest in ICT

Montreal, October 17, 2011 – The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) today announced that it is setting aside $200 million for loans to help entrepreneurs gear up with information and communications technology (ICT). “We now know that ICT has a very real impact on small business productivity, innovation and competitiveness. In fact, much of […]

With web design, clients get what they pay for

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A business without a website has become something akin to a business without a  front-door sign — you cannot draw clients if they can’t find you. It has become a habit for the average consumer to turn to the internet for information on companies with which they do business. Therefore, a professional website can be the difference […]

Comment concevoir un site Web professionnel ?

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Une entreprise sans site Internet ressemble de plus en plus à une entreprise qui ne fait aucune promotion d’elle-même – il lui est très difficile d’attirer des clients. Le consommateur moyen se tourne maintenant vers Internet afin de trouver l’information nécessaire sur les entreprises avec lesquelles il décide de faire affaires. Donc, un site Web professionnel […]

10 mistakes E-commerce sites make

E-commerce sites have the tough task of competing against brick-and-mortar stores and online retail giants for often savvy online shoppers. According to a study of online consumers conducted by Marketing Media, here are the top 10 mistakes that e-commerce sites make, that cost them sales and customers. Cost Consumers consistently rate cost as the most […]

La présence sur le Web, un incontournable pour les PME

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Quelque 44 % des PME n’ont encore pas de site Web, selon une enquête publiée l’automne dernier par le Centre francophone d’informatisation des organisations (CEFRIO). Bien que les petites entreprises ne disposent pas des mêmes ressources que les grandes, elles n’ont plus le choix d’adopter une stratégie marketing de présence sur le Web si elles […]

32 % des commandes aux restaurants St-Hubert sont faites en ligne

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32 % des commandes aux restaurant St-Hubert sont faites en ligne depuis le lancement d’une campagne publicitaire télévisée sur ce service, le 24 janvier 2011. Il s’agit d’un bond de six points par rapport à la moyenne de 26 % enregistrée en 2010. Les autres commandes s’effectuent par téléphone. Le restaurateur préfère ne pas divulguer ses objectifs d’utilisation […]

32% of St-Hubert restaurant orders are made online

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Since the launching of a television advertising campaign for this service on January 24, 2011, 32% of St-Hubert restaurant orders are now made online. This is an increase of 6% compared to the average 26% recorded in 2010. The remaining orders are made by phone. The restaurant prefers not to disclose its objectives for this ordering service. “Our goal is to […]

A professional web design company is what you need

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Whether your business has been running for years or started only recently, it is important to have a website. Not only can you provide access to potential customers at any hour of the day or any day of the week, but you can also reach people from all over the world. Owning and running a website […]

Conception de pages Web simple

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Concevoir une page Web peut être aussi simple que d’ouvrir le bloc-notes et d’écrire un code HTML, ou aussi complexe que le chargement d’un système de gestion de contenu tel que Joomla ou WordPress. Rappelez-vous, ce n’est pas votre arrière-plan qui enchante les visiteurs. C’est la façade de votre site. Celle-ci doit avoir une configuration […]

L’optimisation démystifiée

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La plupart des gens sont plus ou moins familiers avec le processus de référencement (SEO). Ils comprennent l’idée de base, mais pas les petits détails. Le sujet de discussion d’aujourd’hui concerne la page d’optimisation. Plus précisément, nous allons examiner ce que la page d’optimisation implique, et comment s’en servir correctement pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats. La […]

10 reasons why you need a website in 2015

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An online website is absolutely necessary in the modern business world. A website is a representative resource for customer service and relations, and also the best tool for attracting new business to your organization. Customers expect you to be on the web Nowadays, customers judge your business credibility by your online presence. WIthout an online website, your company […]

Astuces et mises en garde pour stimuler la créativité

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La créativité n’est pas limitée à la conception de sites Web. Précieuse dans presque tous les aspects de la vie, elle est aussi intangible que la fumée. Elle peut être présente une journée et disparaître le lendemain. Alors, comment conserver cet état d’esprit créatif, même lors d’un mauvais jour? Ces conseils vous aideront à garder votre […]

La nécessité d’un codage HTML valide

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Il pourrait sembler inutile de connaître les types de programmation pour mettre en place un site Web, même un site de cybercommerce, mais en réalité, si vous payer pour mettre en place une page Web, vous voulez vous assurer que la personne qui travaille sur votre site connaît bien HTML, surtout si c’est un un site de cybercommerce. Il suffit d’une […]

When should you consider redesigning your website?

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When should you consider redesigning your website? The business industry recently published an article on the lack of strategic vision regarding website design from small and medium enterprises in Quebec. Running a dated website without taking action to update it leads to problems, including an adverse impact on the brand and the image of the […]

Cheap or great website designs?

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The planning process. As a director of sales for the website agency Marketing Media, I receive a lot quote requests in a given day. The number one question I need to answer is how much does it cost for a website? That is a very vague question and it is almost impossible to answer since […]

Graphic designer copyrights

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Who owns a customer’s graphic works? Unless otherwise specified in the design contract, because there should always be a contract,  the rights to a designer’s design creations remains the property of the designer or the design agency. If the designer works in a design agency, copyrights belong to the design agency. When delivering work for a […]

What is a digital agency?

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Digital agencies – Digital company branding A new media agency, also known as a digital agency, is a business that offers services that require technical development and creative development. Most of the products offered by digital agencies are web-based. Services typically range from e-mail marketing, web design, e-commerce design and micro-site design. More advanced services […]

Request a free custom web design estimate!

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Marketing Media will show you exactly what you need to do and implement to begin generating new clients on the Internet. Our website agency offers a complete custom website design, entirely conceived with your specifications in mind, and hosted on our simple and easy to use publisher on behalf of your business. Our web firm caters solely […]

The cure for web ugliness

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It’s easy to identify an ugly website. Ugliness in web design is immediately obvious, as it generates a visceral reaction. In worst-case scenarios, a bad website can literally give a headache to the viewer. Website patrons are not only perceptive of ugliness; they’re quick to judge it, too. The average viewer will render their verdict on a website […]

Selecting an e-commerce web design firm that gets straight to the point: your Q & A’s

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Does your website deserve an update or a better e-commerce solution? Are you taking the first steps in creating a new website for your company, but are not sure where to start? Either way, there’s no doubt that selecting the best e-commerce web design company will be a pivotal decision to navigate the whole process. Selecting the right web […]

Why Marketing Media’s web designs are superior

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When shopping for goods and services on the web, we all have seen websites that look like they were put together by a brother-in-law or neighbor down the block, with their misplaced graphics, cheap images,  incompatible fonts, and horrible navigation. Businesses with poor or amateur designs never seem to serve a large customer base. This is […]

The necessity of valid HTML coding

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It might seem like you don’t need to know any type of programming to put up a website, even an e-commerce website. Actually, if you’re going to spend the money to put up a web page, you’ll want to make sure the person who works on your site knows HTML, especially for an e-commerce website. All it takes […]

On-page optimization demystified

Most people are at least somewhat familiar with the process of SEO. They get the basic idea, but not the fine details. Today’s topic is on-page optimization. Specifically, we’ll review what on-page optimization entails, and how to do it properly to achieve the best results. On-page optimization refers to any website design factors that can […]

La conception Web professionnelle de Marketing Media est toujours supérieure

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Lors de l’achat de biens et de services sur le Web, nous avons tous vu les sites Web créés avec un graphisme égaré, des photos bon marché, des polices incompatibles et une navigation abominable. Les entreprises utilisant ce type de design pauvre et amateur ne semblent jamais servir une clientèle abondante. C’est particulièrement vrai quand les acheteurs […]

The ultimate guide to on-page optimization

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Among the many factors that impact website performance and ROI is on-page optimization. Conversion rates often depend on the tiniest differences in layout, content and other on-page elements. On-page optimization is simplified by the availability of free tools like Google Website Optimizer and Google Analytics. By using these applications, you can conduct split and multivariate testing for efficient […]

Why valid HTML for your website matters

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Web design has come a long way in the last decade, as far as front-end development technology is concerned. Gone are the animated GIFs, scrolling banners, and flashing ‘Click Me!’ buttons of yesteryear. In their place, we now have sleek, eye-catching designs and well laid-out navigation menus and interfaces. However, many designers still neglect to […]

Questions et réponses afin de choisir une agence Web pour votre site de commerce électronique

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Votre site a besoin d’une mise à jour ou d’une nouvelle plateforme de commerce électronique ? Entreprenez-vous les premières étapes de la création d’un nouveau site Web pour votre entreprise, sans savoir exactement par où débuter? Quoi qu’il en soit, il n’y a aucun doute que le choix de la bonne agence de commerce électronique sera la […]

Designing simple webpages

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Designing a webpage can be as simple as opening Notepad and writing some HTML, or as complex as loading a content management system such as Joomla or WordPress. Just remember, back-end never wows visitors. Front-end does. The front end of your website needs a clean layout, a readable color scheme, and be simple and easy to navigate […]

Cognitive caveat – Tips for fostering creativity

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Creativity is not limited to web design. Valuable in almost any aspect of life, it can be as intangible as smoke. It is here one moment and can be gone the next. So how can you hold on to that creative mindset even when you are having a bad day? These tips will help kick […]


Marketing Media website launch

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We hope you enjoy our new marketing agency website and we look forward to your feedback. Please report any bugs you find here. We took every effort to iron out any irritating bugs and ensure a seamless surfing experience. However, as with many new website launches, there are bound to be a bug or two hiding from us somewhere. So […]


Intégrer Facebook dans son marketing

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Une stratégie gagnante! Est-ce qu’une page Facebook est un atout pour votre entreprise? Voici quelques statistiques* percutantes pour le prouver.