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    Advice for a customer-friendly E-commerce web page

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    E-commerce is a $500 billion market, which, by 2016, is expected to grow to $1,500 billion. If you wish to sell merchandise or services on the web, a great e-commerce web design that gives you an edge over your competitors is vital. Each e-commerce business is unique and requires its own customized design. Any good e-commerce web page design firm will consider your company’s niche requirements prior to creating a solution for fulfilling them.

    Suggestions for a great E-commerce site design

    Streamline the purchase process  – a common problem for many consumers is losing their way on a vast e-commerce store. For this reason, defining a proper purchasing process is vital. Consumers need a precise path when buying merchandise. It is important to streamline search options so that consumers can easily search and find with appropriate keywords. As well, the shopping cart should always be visible to the consumer, so they can simply drag and drop merchandise into it.

    A call for action is important

    A call for action is vital on any e-commerce web page. It is wise to make good use of the ‘Buy Now’ link or button. This button should be prominent, since consumers feel compelled to click it. Other action calls, like ‘ Product Specifications’ or ‘Read Reviews’, should be prominently placed as well, since they help consumers decide what to buy.

    Less clicks is best

    It is vital that the purchase route be as short as possible. The fewer clicks your customers are required to make while buying, the more they will buy. A lot of newbie buyers are hesitant in buying merchandise over the web and each click is an opportunity to change their mind.

    Prices should be visible

    Allowing customers to view prices shows that your merchandise is authentic. Your customers may assess and price-compare across various sites. If your site offers the best deal, the consumer will come back and buy from your website. It is a good idea to feature freebies and discounts offered by your site as well.

    Shipment and trade

    A lot of consumers fear online trade in which they can’t take part. Create an easy trade process that includes several payment methods like Internet banking, PayPal or Credit/Debit cards. Be certain to count on a secured payment path,  so your costumers feel safe and secure. Let your customers know the shipping details for their merchandise, and send them payment confirmation emails.

    Customer service

    It is paramount to have strong customer service integrated into your web design. Some consumers fail to go through with the purchasing process as a result of doubts about the merchandise. Offer your costumers email, chat and phone support, that will result in increased sales and revenue.

    All things considered, fulfilling the needs of your company requires the services of an established e-commerce website design firm. Your business must stand out in order to gain customers. Professional development firms use the latest e-commerce site development technology, like BigCommerce and 3dCart, to create your e-store. A good e-commerce site ensures high return on investment, therefore, the quality of your store is crucial.

    About Vincent

    Maxim technical expertise in back end programming, front end design and scripting give him experience on all phases of development which translates into success of his clients’ projects..

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