Ten common mistakes made by E-commerce business owners

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There are many advantages to starting an e-commerce business. The Internet provides an endless amount of marketing opportunities and e-commerce businesses require very little start-up money. Even though starting an e-commerce business has numerous advantages, it is very easy for businesses to make common mistakes when starting. To be successful, businesses must avoid these ten mistakes. Choosing a domain […]

How to tell your E-commerce company is succeeding

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Can you tell if your e-commerce company is succeeding, or failing? There are a number of indicators that could help turn things around before it’s too late. Three main areas contain data that you should pay particular attention to. Read more to learn how to tell if your website is succeeding, and will continue to thrive in the […]

The best website designs by Marketing Media

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When you wish to sell your products through e-commerce, Marketing Media can give you a leg up from the first day your site goes live. There is more to selling online than meets the eye. The best website designs have been built by a team of experienced professionals. This is what you get with the Marketing Media team. […]

5 questions the best web design agencies can answer

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Never hire a agency before talking to them and asking some key questions. The best web design agency will have all the answers and will ask you questions in return. Your website is too important for your business to take for granted that the agency you hire is knowledgeable and experienced. Getting to know your web […]

Best deal graphics and printing website is online!

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Best Deal Graphics and Printing Website

Web design checklist: What clients should provide their web agency

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When conducting a Web design project, preparation is paramount. The client should have an idea of his or her budget, requirements and goals. Neglecting the preparation stage can result in confusion, disorganization, and a less-than-satisfactory outcome. The website design checklist below outlines some of the main factors to consider when preparing to work with a […]

How to find a quality E-commerce web designer

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In recent years, advancement in technology and access to information on the internet have combined to simplify the website development process. Setting up a business website no longer requires a degree in computer science. Templates allow users to build a website quickly using established layouts and features. However, while these templates eliminate the need for […]

5 reasons you should hire a professional web design company

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Any business that wishes to be competitive in the online or offline market must have a professional website. Internet has become the leading resource for people to find information, with business research being a leading reason to perform a search on the web. Businesses that do not have a professionally created website risk losing potential […]

ProteinCo’s new online shopping store is now live

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ProteinCo’s new online shopping store

Delorme LeBel Bureau Savoie Avocats website is now live

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Delorme LeBel Bureau Savoie Avocats website

Ten principles of UI design

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The User Interface (UI) is the element of technology, such as software or web applications, that facilitates the convenient and efficient use of a web design. UI design can be complicated; it is however a key part of web development. UI designers must keep these 10 basic principles in mind: Understanding the market This is the target […]

With Web Design, Clients Get What They Pay For (Part 2)

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Expectations vs. deliverables While browsing on the web, we found this interesting blog post from an e-commerce entrepreneur, which we thought was a really interesting case for explaining the ongoing situation with high expectations, but low budget. Marketing Media does not take a stance on this issue.  We only express our opinion based on our own experience, and we draw our […]

Things to consider when redesigning a website

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A website redesign could revive a business’s web presence. The website introduces potential customers to your business and informs them of the services that are provided. Unfortunately, a poor web design can deter visitors from becoming customers. For this reason, improving the design of the website is crucial. Before engaging in a redesign, some factors must be taken […]

Great web design = Leads & sales

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Creating a multi-faceted website that attracts prospects and customers A great website design feel and look is just the beginning of your journey toward communicating with your visitors. An attractive website is practically useless without an effective user interface, a proper SEO strategy and customer response. What do you mean by “great web design = leads & sales?” […]

Advice for a customer-friendly E-commerce web page

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E-commerce is a $500 billion market, which, by 2016, is expected to grow to $1,500 billion. If you wish to sell merchandise or services on the web, a great e-commerce web design that gives you an edge over your competitors is vital. Each e-commerce business is unique and requires its own customized design. Any good e-commerce web […]

32% of St-Hubert restaurant orders are made online

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Since the launching of a television advertising campaign for this service on January 24, 2011, 32% of St-Hubert restaurant orders are now made online. This is an increase of 6% compared to the average 26% recorded in 2010. The remaining orders are made by phone. The restaurant prefers not to disclose its objectives for this ordering service. “Our goal is to […]

10 reasons why you need a website in 2015

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An online website is absolutely necessary in the modern business world. A website is a representative resource for customer service and relations, and also the best tool for attracting new business to your organization. Customers expect you to be on the web Nowadays, customers judge your business credibility by your online presence. WIthout an online website, your company […]

Cognitive caveat – Tips for fostering creativity

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Creativity is not limited to web design. Valuable in almost any aspect of life, it can be as intangible as smoke. It is here one moment and can be gone the next. So how can you hold on to that creative mindset even when you are having a bad day? These tips will help kick […]
