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    In the past ten years, through services and one-on-one consulting, we've helped over 1000 businesses, many just like yours.

    Work smarter and faster with
    Google Apps for Business

    Save money!

    Each Web collaboration and mail apps designed by Google do not require and any software or hardware installation and maintenance is minimal. Your business can save lots of money and even considerably increase its productivity.
    Many studies have shown that Google Apps for Business represents the one-third of the total cost of competitors’ Web Apps and mail solution

    24-hour Access

    Benefit from an instant mobile access to Google Apps for business, Gmail for Business and Google Calendar!
    Because of the many distant access options to Google Apps’ information, your team remains active and productive, even outside the office. Without extra charge, Google Apps for Business also supports mobile access on all Smartphones : iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Android, as well as other less powerful models.

    Guarantee 99, 9 % availability

    With Google Apps, we guarantee an availability of at least 99,9 %. This way, your team will be more productive and you will not have to bother with constant system interruptions. Google Apps represents less than 15-minute interruption cumulated per month.


    Increased storage space

    Each person on your team benefits from a storage space of 25 GB for their emails and can keep important messages without any worries, and instantly trace them by using the integrated Google research tool.

    GMAIL for business was designed in a way that each person on your team dedicates less time managing their inbox and be more productive. Useful features like labels, quick message search and spam filtering enable them to effectively manage a large volume of emails while saving time.


    Security Priority and Compliance Data

    As a business, you cannot afford the loss of sensitive and confidential data. Composed of international in information security, networks and applications, the Google team who is in charge of data security, carefully monitors each information.

    Here is an overview of customizable security apps that Google Apps offers to businesses:

    • Custom tools for filtering incoming messages and emails to complement the powerful automatic spam filters, which do not require initial setup
    • Custom filtering tools blocking transmission of sensitive data.
    • Custom information sharing rules that define the extent to which employees are allowed to share data from Google Drive, Google Calendar and Google Sites.
    • SSL Connection with Google Apps to guarantee a safe HTTPS access.
    • Possibility of archiving, up to 10 years of storage


    Complete data and management control

    In terms of the trademark’ terms of use and technical requirements, managers have the possibility to customize Google Apps.

    Each integration option allows connecting Google Apps to your current IT structure:

    • User and API authentication allows combining Google Apps to your current authentication system and user lit.
    • Assisting in the email delivery and mail gateways allow you to use GMAIL for Business simultaneously with another type of emails.
    • The migration API of email and user offer the opportunity to barter your current email to Google Apps.
    • You can customize Google Apps by including your own trademark and mention of the data’s ownership. This way, you ensure ownership of employee’s data.
    • Creation of custom user accounts in your business Internet’s domain.
    • Custom colors and logos in applications

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    Contact us now to discuss your project!

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